Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Sometimes you are the windshield and sometimes you are the bug. Do you ever have a period of time in your life where you feel that nothing can go right? I am in one of those funks right now. I wouldn't really call it a Funk, but I just did...I am generally in a good mood except for the aforementioned not being able to do things correctly.

I will start with the hot water heater. Two weeks ago, I returned home from Blacksburg to find the overflow pipe of my hot water heater leaking from the top between the heater and the fastener. After countless Google searches as to what this would entail...it was determined that a new heater would be necessary. $1400 down the tubes or put another way, another flat screen for the bedroom...or to stay in savings for these lean economic times. The following week I return home only to find that my electric disconnect for my HVAC system is bad. $250 down the drain. I knew this was coming from last winter when the fuse blew a couple times. The heat must use more power than the AC because this only happens in the winter. And the final house item happened at 3:30 AM last Wednesday night. The damn smoke alarm starts beeping. EVERY MINUTE. This of course means that the battery is dieing. I went looking for a 9 volt and found one in the freezer. With hope, this would do the trick. It did not. That battery must be dead too (although licking the end still gave me a jolt). So, with the alarm still beeping, I grabbed the wire cutters. Cut the sucker off from the house's electric system. I will now have to re-connect it and get a new battery, but at least I could sleep.

Now with all of the household nightmares, I don't seem to be doing much better at work. It seems that every decision I make is not in accordance with my bosses thoughts on the topic. I know this will pass, but what can I say...I'm trying to make too many people happy right now. Trying to please clients so that we may get some work sent our way and at the same time not trying to spend too much money doing so. It is a tricky balancing act.

Should I dress as Waldo (From "Where's Waldo? fame) or Bret (From Flight of the Conchords fame)? Waldo may be easier, but Bret seems more obscure. HMMMMM. Decisions.

1 comment:

jacob said...

I guess everyone is kinda down these days including my cuz's. i directly attribute this to the lack of daylight to deal with and the cold temperatures. They do strange things to people (and appliances apparently)